
Transform Your Life!

Feel Better – No Therapist – No Talking About Your Past – Just Feel Better

Get the First 5 Recognitions of the7th Path
Transformation™ System Now

Is Mind-Body-Spirit System That Frees You From the Negative Effects of Your Past

Frees You to Live Your Best Life! Get On Your Path & Fulfill Your Destiny!


The 7th Path™ Recognitions in the Short and Full Forms make up the next set of video lessons. These lessons will GREATLY increase your speed of progress while providing a more powerful experience while doing 7th Path Transformation™.

PLUS you will become a member and have instant access to our members area.

In your members area you will have instant access to the following:

  • Very helpful videos answering frequently asked videos.
  • In-depth and informative articles that will help you on the Path.
  • Background music specifically designed to use while doing 7th Path™.
  • The Members Area Message Board where our community can share and ask questions!

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Get Recognitions 1 to 5 Short and Full Forms

Regular Price Is $124.95

Get Instant Access Now for ONLY $49.00

Click Here to Puchase Recognitions 1 to 5 NOW!

Wonderful reports of transformation from those using 7th Path™!

  • Practicing 7th Path™ regularly has brought a sense of calm and focus to my life, on a daily basis, that I never knew was possible. Elizabeth Schultz

  • Oh my gosh, 7th Path™ has become my best friend. I have been doing it personally daily for 14 months and have found it increases my intuition and confidence. Thank you! Suzanne Rooney

  • 7th Path™ has helped me reconnect with my own personal highest self and my higher power. I no longer feel like I’m living life unsupported and alone. In fact, I have a new partner to high five and celebrate the wins of the day with and also to refocus and regroup with when needed. RaeAnn Rosario

  • 7th Path™ helped me gain more confidence in myself. Strengthened the areas of weaknesses that hindered me from growing in my career and other areas of my life that needed improvements.7th Path™ has given me peace. It has allowed me to heal mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I have gained strength to push myself further where I lacked. It has also heightened my awareness to hold myself accountable to changes I want to improve in, versus making excuses for myself. April W.

  • My 7th Path™ practice has been transformative in so many ways. The first four recognitions brought up things I had no idea I was holding onto -- feelings that had carried over from past relationships in my life that had left me feeling not "good enough." I actually had no idea I was holding on to old hurts, things that had made me feel "less than" in the past. 7th Path™ just gently brought them up, gave me a number of "ah-ha" moments, and let me release these old wounds. It also helped me release my "story" of not being a "good enough" mother. I've been able to forgive myself for things I did or said, knowing that if I had had the tools that I have now, I would have handled things differently. I am much gentler with myself now, having the insights that I've had in practicing 7th Path™. S. Robbins

  • For the last 18 months I suffered with PTSD after a traumatic and shocking grand mal seizure at the park while walking my beloved little dogs. It left me with a fragile and raw nervous system, a feeling of death lurking around every corner. 7th Path™ picked me up when I was down. It nurtured me with loving arms! Divine in its journey of renewal, forgiveness, and love, it gave me the strength to get up, breathe & live, swept in its Divine current once again. Ki Florence-David AD.

  • I continue to use 7thPath™. The benefits were increased like self-love for me and setting down the judgment habit loop. Becoming aware of what it felt like to not carry tension everywhere in my body and choose to have it differently. The difference was awareness inside and what was possible to feel like I do without it there. It was life-changing to set this down. Then to set the judgement loop & frustration of a cycle running away again. I too set down chronic anxiety and holding myself tense. As well as making myself wrong, broken or not enough when the self-judgement cycle would begin. It has been wonderful to receive! Happy and calm and loving the changes. With Gratitude, Glenda Lorraine Barber